Conversion Analysis
Conversion Analysis
At Procentris, we help you gain more regular users out of your visitors by providing in-depth analysis of your site traffic and related data.
The whole process - starting from generating visitor interest to turning them into a customer or a user - is often called the ‘Conversion Funnel’ because, just like in a funnel, large numbers go in but only a few make it out to the end - in this case - as regular users.
Conversion Analysis is the process of finding the leaks in the funnel.
There may be various factors which may be working against the potential of a website and however insignificant they may seem, addressing these factors invariably influences client conversion rates. The User Experience (UX) for a site also has to be satisfactory to capture a visitor’s attention and for conversion thereafter.

Visitors need to be convinced of the value in your products and services by finding the right combination of propositions, calls-to-action and user engagement strategies. Our team of professionals study and interpret large amounts of data to identify behavioral patterns and problems that have to be dealt with for this purpose.
The investigations and findings of our team give you valuable insights into the consumer psyche that you can then leverage to boost your conversion numbers.
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